St. Philip’s Day 2011

Today is the day when we remember and celebrate the life of our Patron Leader, St. Philip Benizi. Mr Cooper’s class led a Mass commemorating St. Philip’s influence on our everyday lives in school today and Father Peter blessed bread to recognise his dedication to helping the hungry. Thank you to all parents who kindly donated tins to support the homeless and hungry of Salford and Manchester. Over two thousand tins have collected by Loaves and Fishes, Revive and Cornerstone and these will make a huge difference to many people this coming winter.

Gory Gladiators and Evil Emperors

Miss Magdzinski’s class has been enjoying a week filled with fear, excitement, blood and gore. The year 3 and children have been learning about Romans in history and so in literacy have been writing dramatic stories about Roman gladiator fights. The children have had lots of fun making costumes, weapons and armour and engaging in lots of fun drama activities. The children acted out some exciting gladiator stories using our own outdoor stage area as a Roman Coliseum (a very mini version!) Have a look at the photos whilst listening out for the background story – a super piece of creative writing by Madeline Jones.
Clink on the link below to run the powerpoint (be patient!).


St. Philip’s Day 2011

This year, celebrations for St. Philip’s Day will take place on 12th October 2011. All are welcome to attend Mass at 9:05 that day and there will be celebrations for children in school in the afternoon. Before then, please consider the appeal below. As always we appreciate your generosity and kindness in supporting the school and our local community.

Social Networking Songs

Year 5/6 – Class K – have been learning about the dangers of social networking for children under the age of 13 (the minimum legal age for somebody to use a site such as Facebook).

The children have composed some short songs which highlight both the potential dangers and off alternative suitable social networking sites for children.

Click on the links below to listen to the songs.

Y6 – Moshi Monsters
Y6 – Kids on the Internet