Take Cover!

Today, Class 5 pretended they were on a school trip to the forest. However, the coach left Class 5 behind! In Science they have been learning about the basic needs of humans and animals; one of which is shelter. Miss Lavelle set the  challenge of building a shelter that would protect them until help arrived. They were given sheets of material, rope and could use any natural resource too. They had a little competition between the girls and the boys to see who could build the best, protective shelter.

Where is Mr Crocodile?

Both Reception classes have enjoyed reading ‘Open very carefully – a book with bite.’  After discovering the pesky crocodile had escaped from the book and destroyed their classroom, the children came up with ideas as to where Mr Crocodile had gone to next. Each child was given their own copy of the text to keep, with thanks to the Bookstart initiative.

Where do you think Mr Crocodile has gone???????


From the Old to the New…

Children from Year 2, Miss Lavelle’s class, today led us in an assembly which focussed upon how God will always be with us as we travel along the journey of life. They showed us how far they have come on their Christian journey and talked about their hopes for the future. The first video below explains some of the pupils’ aspirations, the second how we must have high hopes!